There have been plenty of comments, questions and ideas submitted to our Beta Chat on ONENAME.SOCIAL lately regarding the platform features and development. We’ve seen them (and really appreciate the input) and have been recording each one before sending them to our dev team and want to give YOU, our community members a quick behind the scenes update to let you know that we’re increasing the size of the dev team to accelerate the progress ahead!
We want you to know that our team is dedicated to providing a redefined social media experience that is not only intuitive and easy to navigate, but that provides YOU all with control over your private information, data and monetization through crypto rewards on social media.
We are thrilled to have the opportunity to bring YOURS and OUR ideas to life and implement them into ONENAME.SOCIAL. Our new Dev’s are already hard at work, and have become integrated with our existing team. They are working together to accomplish as much as they can and as quickly as possible so that we can roll out these updates for you to enjoy.
Meanwhile, other team members have been working diligently toward our rebrand that we believe our community is going to love! (COMING VERY SOON!!!).
So stay tuned for more exciting updates to come and we wish everyone a fantastic Memorial Day Weekend here in the USA and to all those outside the USA and around the globe we wish you all a wonderful weekend with extra R & R (rest and relaxation)!!
To all of the community members who have posted comments, questions and the ideas you have, we would like to thank you. Thank you for contributing what you have so far and keep up the good work. To those of you who haven’t joined in the Official ONG Beta Chat, feel welcome to join us in posting feedback or maybe just a MEME or two :).
Cheers from TEAM ONG!!!
ONENAME.SOCIAL is the first blockchain based social hub that puts each community member in control of personal information and provides multiple options for content monetization on social media. Each person has the ability to earn a portion of the money from advertisers if you want (or not) and to earn rewards from all of your efforts on social media. The bottom line is that each person should be able to choose when and how their personal information is shared on social media and be given the choice if they want to monetize their information, creative content and published posts on social media.