In marketing, there is always a new trend buzzword and “influencer marketing” is a popular one right now. Popular with good reason and if done right, influencer marketing can have unparalleled results on sales, growth and equity for brands and communities. Top influencers famously get flown around the world on lavish-once-in-a-lifetime travel experiences and can make upwards of $25,000 per post. But before your phone is ringing off the hook with complimentary travel offers to exotic resorts on private islands. Or you’re raking in on a single post, what would be an annual salary for many. You need to get the basics down and become a desired influencer. We’ve compiled a few lesser-known secrets in doing just that!
Create Awesome Content: If you want to become a social media influencer make sure every time you hit publish you feel proud of the content or message you are broadcasting. Don’t just post to post. Make sure every post adds value of some kind to the viewer. Ask yourself this before you publish: Is it inspiring? Is it informative or educational? Is it funny? Is it beautiful? Is it timely? Will it make the reader’s day better? Is it unique? Did I add value? You should say yes to at least one of these questions and usually yes to many of them. If the answer is no, hold off and spend some time developing better content. Social media influencers become influencers because they have the ability to engage and build a community through their content. They do this by posting exceptional content that stands out from the crowd.
Find Your Niche: Focus on something you really love and that you are genuinely interested in. Share something new, fresh and extraordinary about the topic. Be an expert or better yet be THE expert of a very narrow niche!
If you love to travel don’t set out to become a travel influencer. That space is way too crowded. Set out to become a millennial, budget, traveler influencer that is dedicated to traveling on less than $25 a day and sharing those secrets with their audience.
If you love the cryptocurrency space don’t set out to become a crypto influencer. That space, while newer, is also already too crowded. Set out to become a cryptocurrency trading influencer that is dedicated to researching, trading and providing advice on cryptocurrencies with market caps under 50 million with incredible upside opportunity.
These are just a few examples of narrow niches that could add unique value to a large audience and set you apart from the crowd.
Listen & Engage, Don’t Just Broadcast: Often times social media users think that the more they post and the louder they are the more followers they will gain. Unfortunately, that just isn’t true. While posting on a consistent basis is important, it’s more important to make sure you are out there listening, searching similar categories and engaging constructively with others. See something you like? Give it a like or upvote and a great comment. Say “I love your travel tips, thanks for the inspiration!” Or, “Thanks for the advice on that coin, I got in just in time!” By communicating kindness, goodwill and positivity to like-minded individuals you will not only be spreading great vibes and making someone’s day better but actually benefiting yourself as well. Spend one hour a day searching around social media sites and commenting positively on people’s content for one week. We guarantee your following will grow significantly.
Become an Early Social Media Platform Adopter: Stay on top of new technologies and platforms in the social media space. Becoming an influencer by becoming an early adopter of a new social media platform is a best-kept secret. When you become an early adopter of an up-and-coming social media platform you have great chances of building a large following before mainstream adoption. The communities of a newer social platform are typically very engaged, inclusive and welcoming. It’s almost like an exclusive club where the members of the club follow you and you follow them just for being there.
You can also get on the radar of the up-and-coming platforms Founding Team and Staff who will likely be featuring regular all-star users of the platform. Getting a user spotlight/feature is a great way to generate a considerable following. As the platform and user adoption grows you will already have a huge jumpstart in followers, engagement and influence on the site and can leverage all the hard work of the platform’s team for your own benefit.
Want a jumpstart to becoming an influencer on up-and-coming decentralized social platform Sign up here and benefit from the early adopter privileges. After becoming a regular user be sure to email to inquire about becoming a featured user and get some assistance in growing your following and promoting your projects.
You can thank us later when you get sent on one of those complimentary once-in-a-lifetime experiences and then come home to wax your “Moon Lamborghini”. All we ask in return is for you to share your experience from the dashboard so we can all experience your journey!
In all seriousness, we are grateful for each and every one of you in our onG.Social community. Thank you for being a part of this movement.
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